Besides being the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia is also the capital of the commonplaces: gloomy, poor, not so state of the art and so on. In fact the Bulgarian city has a lot to reveal and it is no coincidence that it is one of the cities where tourists like to return.
Here you can read some interesting facts that might want you to join the list of those who were conquered by Sofia.
1) Yes and no, yes IS no!
Do you know the song “Hello Goodbye” by the Beatles? Yes, the one that starts with “You say yes and I say no”.
That’s exactly what will happen in Sofia. Bulgarian people, in fact,
shake their heads for “yes” and nod for “no”. In order to avoid funny
misunderstandings, you’d better remember it before you arrive
2) Sleyvekov Square
This delightful square is very characteristic, with many stalls full of books in all the languages of the world. Once you’ve bought a book, you can sit on the bench together with the sculptures of Petko and Pencho Sleyvekov, the two Bulgarian writers the square is named after; between one thing and the other, you can always ask them to review your book.
3) City Garden
Okay, we admit it, perhaps the Bulgarian language is not so simple but you don’t need to know the language to do certain things as PLAYING CHESS. If you want to put your skills to the test, City Garden is the place to go. If you’re shy, do not worry: you can join the group of annoying spectators and have your say about every wrong move.
4) Green, зелен
Sofia is one of the greenest capitals in Europe with one of the highest ratio of trees to people of the continent. If you want to relax and give shape to the clouds, go to one of the many city parks and enjoy the quiet and bucolic environment.
If you want to play the part of the intellectual and mysterious guy, bring a book with you. Worst case scenario: you can use it as a pillow
5) Cheap is the name of the game, baby
5-star hotel? It’s cheap!
Taxi ride? It’s cheap
Dinner in a downtown restaurant? It’s cheap.
The book to act really cool when you take a walk in the park ? You got it, it’s cheap.
Beer for a fun evening: guess what? It is cheap!
Hey there, are you still uncertain?

P.S. And if you fall in love with some girl and you want to move there forever, consider that houses are 740 Euros per sqm (the lowest in Europe: check for yourself).[:it]Besides being the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia is also the capital victim of the commonplaces: gloomy, poor, not so state of the art and so on. In fact the Bulgarian city has a lot to reveal and it is no coincidence that it is one of the cities where tourists like to return.
Here you can read some interesting facts that might want you to join the list of those who were conquered by Sofia.
1) Yes and no, yes IS no!
Do you know the song “Hello Goodbye” by the Beatles? Yes, the one that starts with “You say yes and I say no”.
That’s exactly what will happen in Sofia. Bulgarian people, in fact,
shake their heads for “yes” and nod for “no”. In order to avoid funny
misunderstandings, you’d better remember it before you arrive
2) Sleyvekov Square
This delightful square is very characteristic, with many stalls full of books in all the languages of the world. Once you’ve bought a book, you can sit on the bench together with the sculptures of Petko and Pencho Sleyvekov, the two Bulgarian writers the square is named after; between one thing and the other, you can always ask them to review your book.
3) City Garden
Okay, we admit it, perhaps the Bulgarian language is not so simple but you don’t need to know the language to do certain things as PLAYING CHESS. If you want to put your skills to the test, City Garden is the place to go. If you’re shy, do not worry: you can join the group of annoying spectators and have your say about every wrong move.
4) Green, зелен
Sofia is one of the greenest capitals in Europe with one of the highest ratio of trees to people of the continent. If you want to relax and give shape to the clouds, go to one of the many city parks and enjoy the quiet and bucolic environment.
If you want to play the part of the intellectual and mysterious guy, bring a book with you. Worst case scenario: you can use it as a pillow
5) Cheap is the name of the game, baby
5-star hotel? It’s cheap!
Taxi ride? It’s cheap
Dinner in a downtown restaurant? It’s cheap.
The book to act really cool when you take a walk in the park ? You got it, it’s cheap.
Beer for a fun evening: guess what? It is cheap!
Hey there, are you still uncertain?
P.S. And if you fall in love with some girl and you want to move there forever, consider that houses are 740 Euros per sqm (the lowest in Europe: check for yourself).