March 6, 2025

When there is Europe

When there is Europe, there is the free movement of people in all the countries that are part of it: it’s possible to travel and discover new horizons without putting limits on the desire to move even just for a holiday or to imagine a new life in a different place or find the dream job or further studies.

When there is Europe and unfortunately there is also a war, the European Union takes sides against any type of conflict, helping the civilian populations and supporting the government of the attacked nation, always taking the side of those who come attacked, because in wars there are neither winners nor losers, but in the end we all lose.

When there is Europe, there is always the opportunity to learn, research, exchange good practices, create useful educational and professional tools through Erasmus+ mobility projects which include many activities, from research and cooperation meetings to internships for students, which our training agencies organize and attend with passion and enthusiasm.

These are initiatives capable of giving life to precious experiences that make us understand that we are all equals but at the same time each of us is perfect in its uniqueness and diversity, which make us grow in the awareness that respect and solidarity are the foundations of a better world, which teach us that each of us can make a difference in the ecological transition and in the complex challenges that await us in the future.

When there is Europe, there are companies such as ETN that have long believed in the values ​​of the European Union such as solidarity, equality, peace, human rights, freedom, democracy and share and disseminate them through their daily work with with great commitment and professionalism, in the awareness that learning must last for a lifetime and is an indispensable source of new professional and personal knowledge and skills.

When there is Europe, culture and creativity are supported in their many different expressions thanks to specific calls and programs, such as the Creative Europe program, which promote initiatives dedicated to the cultural and creative industry sector, demonstrating the the enormous importance that the European Union gives to culture and to all forms of art and creativity that represent ourselves, our stories, our personalities, our passions and attitudes.

When there is Europe, our identity as European citizens is recognized and affirmed with the responsibility of being each dependent on the other, because every gesture and action has consequences and effects that affect the whole planet because each of us counts, each of us has the right to express their opinion also through the vote to elect the representatives of the European Parliament.

When there is Europe, we work and strive every day for peace at all decision-making levels to avert dangerous and violent turns, so that the horrors of the past will never happen again and to ensure that peace will always be the foundation ​​of our lives.

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