September 10, 2024

The Starwomen project: women over 40 and the job market

The Starwomen Erasmus+ project, (project number 2023-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000161080) led by Format Formazione Tecnica, is dedicated to supporting women over 40 as they reenter the labour market. The project leverages innovative techniques such as improvisational theater and stress management, alongside enhancing the competences of trainers with transversal skills necessary for the modern labour market. This initiative not only addresses the need for new competences and skills but also aims to improve the employability of disadvantaged adult women in an increasingly fluid and changing society.

The main objectives of the project are as follows:

– Increasing the competences of trainers: The project focuses on equipping trainers with the necessary competences related to the transversal skills required by the labour market. This includes a training course and toolkit designed for trainers to enhance their teaching methods and tools.

– Increasing women’s employment and inclusion: The project aims to provide women over 40 with a toolkit to independently undertake a path of empowerment and development of soft skills. This initiative seeks to improve their employability in an increasingly fluid and changing society.

– Providing guidance and support: The project will offer guidance to women in finding new employment under less stressful working conditions, helping them to regain their footing and achieve their professional goals.

Tribeka Training Lab, one of the project partners, is completing work on two courses as part of the Starwomen project: one on improvisational theater and another on stress management. These courses are designed to help women develop creativity, confidence, and effective stress-coping mechanisms, which are crucial for thriving in the modern workplace.

Starwomen’s implementation strategy includes a dedicated learning week where trainers from each partner organization attended and upgrade their skills.This learning week was held in Venice last May, hosted by Format, the Italian coordinator of the project.

For women over 40, the project provides materials, videos, and guidelines to help them develop their curiosity and understand the program’s importance. Additionally, there are activities aimed at raising awareness and spreading the project’s objectives and results.

The project is a collaboration between various partner organizations from across Europe, including:

  • Greece-Social Cooperative Enterprise for Social And Collective Benefit earth spiral (Spira GIS)
  • Austria-Skills International GmbH,
  • Sweden- Winnet Sverige,
  • Bulgaria- Democratic Association Iskam da znam (I want to know),
  • Croatia- Rijecka razvojna agencija Porin
  • Spain- Tribeka Training Lab.

 Each partner brings their expertise to help develop comprehensive resources that address the unique needs and aspirations of women returning to work.

By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, the Starwomen project aims to make the transition back into the workforce a positive and rewarding experience for every woman involved. Stay tuned for more updates on the project as it continues to develop and refine its offerings.

To find out more about the Starwomen project, including its innovative approaches to reentering the labour market and enhancing employability, you can visit the project’s website and follow its official social channels on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Useful links:

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