After two years of intense work, the Erasmus+ KA2 Mob4app project has come to an end.
The project was designed to support the professional development of people working in the VET sector in order to give them the knowledge and instruments needed for promotion, management and implementation of long-term mobility for apprentices in Europe.
Together with our 6 partners, Berlink developed 3 Outputs and translated them in the six languages of the partners. All materials are available and can be downloaded for free on the on our MOB4APP Online Platform on the www.mob4app.eu.
The website is divided in three sessions, according to the results:
- IO1 Training Programme
- IO2 Toolkit
Each result addresses a specific target group.
The Training Programme and the MOOC refer to VET professionals, while the Toolkit has been created for the companies (SMEs) and apprentices.
If you are interested in this content, or if you have any questions about the project or its topic, you are welcome to contact us by email at info@berlink.eu as a point of reference. We will be more than pleased to answer your questions.
Meanwhile, enjoy learning more about the long-term mobility abroad and follow us on our Mob4app social media (Facebook and Linkedin) and Berlink social media (Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin).