At the same moment in which the transnational mobility activities, which were so lacking in pupils and teachers, have regained new impetus, we have seen an increase in requests for contact, from scratch, by teachers, researchers, and trainers towards of our work for the “Skills Act 4 VET” project.
Thanks to the dissemination of the project results, on the web page and on social networks, Facebook in the first place, we got in touch with many investigative realities, not only in the context of the Erasmus+ program.

At this regard, It was especially interesting and profitable the meeting of our “Skills Act 4 VET” with EUSALP (EU Strategy for the Alpine region), the agreement signed in 2013 whose implementation takes place through the operation of 9 thematic Action groups, of which AG 3 is dedicated to the theme “Labor Market, Education and Training”.
The 2020-22 work program provides for the carrying out of a survey under the “Soft skills assessment method tool for WBL in Alpine Space” Action which envisages the development of a common framework and tools for observing and evaluating soft skills, through the acquisition of information and the identification and shared definition of a set of significant soft skills, also in order to facilitate the transnational exchange of experiences.
In this context, the I.R.E.S. Institute of Economic and Social Research of Friuli Venezia Giulia Social Enterprise, will carry out a survey on the tools and methodologies available for the observation and validation of the most significant soft skills, with reference to those related to work-based learning and the most significant for the transformation processes of the Alpine economies.
In this regard, the “Skill ACt 4 Vet” 2019-1-ES01-KA202-065610 ” project was of great interest, and the materials created within this project will be enhanced in the context of bibliographic analysis and best practices that is under construction.