The last Transnational Project Meeting of “Skills Act 4 VET” is taking place these days in Rome. Tribeka, our Spanish agency, is coordinating this Erasmus+ project launched in September 2020.
The 5th TPM will be hosted by Elidea-Psicologi Associati. With other partners – BIA (Bulgaria), Militos (Greece), ADI (Italy), M.V. Lomonosov (Bulgaria) and R&DO (Cyprus) – are being discussed the final steps of the project implementation.

After these 2 years, which involved defining the 5 most relevant soft skills, creating a Task Map to enhance students’ awareness of their skills activation during short-term internships, and launching an app for soft skill self-evaluation, it is time to finalize the development phase of Output 2.
What is more, the project partners are now finishing the piloting test for the Modular Training Programme for Teachers. The main aim of the course is to provide accompanying teachers with useful tools for supporting their students’ soft skill development during an experience abroad. We’ve been receiving a lot of insightful feedback from all around Europe, and we would like to thank all the VET teachers who dedicated their time to getting to know and assessing our course.
As we are now focusing on collecting opinions of Spanish stakeholders, we invite all the VET Teachers and Erasmus Coordinators from Spain to access their dedicated version of the Training Platform and leave their comments in the related questionnaire. If you are a VET teacher interested in the topic of soft skills and want to discover the most effective methods of fostering your student’s competences in this area, don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your knowledge and gain new practical tools.
Many thanks for your interest! ¡Muchas Gracias!