September 8, 2024

Erasmus Plus KA1 VET in Sofia: students from the Polish school showcase their creativity in the photography course at ETN Business Lab

The Zespół Szkół w Ożarów, a Polish school named after Maria Skłodowska-Curie, is currently participating in the Erasmus Plus KA1 VET project at the Bulgarian agency ETN Business Lab in Sofia. The students involved are taking a photography stage, taught by ETN’s President, Luciano Marino, and our Videomaker, Claudio Miglionico.

The course aims to put their photography knowledge into practice. After seeing some photo examples, the students took a tour of Sofia city to take their own shots, which were then analyzed and discussed during the course to understand the strengths and areas for improvement in each shot.

The first works of our students were surprising, showing remarkable creativity and originality. Their shots were inspired by the urban scenario of Sofia, the people they met, and the unexpected situations they encountered along the way.

Out of over 200 photos taken, the students, together with the course tutors, selected the best ones, declaring the winning shot of this first contest. It is a classic street photography shot, with a particular dynamism.

These first works demonstrate how committed and interested the students are in photography, how eager they are to learn new skills, and to put them into practice in a foreign context. Here are the other 9 best selected photographs.

We are very proud of our students and can’t wait to see their progress in the upcoming days of the course and what they will present in their next works

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